Category Archives: Meme

Stop me if you’ve heard this one…

But a warlock and a paladin walk into a bar…

Windsoar over at Jaded Alt is celebrating her 6 month blogaversary.  And being the nice person she is, she decided to give those that want it a blog idea.  Since I rarely have ideas of my own, I try not to pass up when someone else if offering one.  Here is what she gave me

/cast Muse

I’m so popular with the warlocks today! Well, let’s see…

If your warlock and paladin met in a bar, how would the conversation go?

If Deyndor and Ollyn met in a bar?  I have a feeling that the bar would be in dire need of repair by the time they were finished.  I don’t RP, but like many WoW players my toons take on their own personalities the more I play them.

Ollyn is a pretty laid back guy.  He’s content to just sit around and relax when he isn’t starting people on fire.  However, if he feels that you’ve wronged him in some way, he’ll be focused on you until you wish you hadn’t met him.  A lot of that comes from when I used to PvP on him.  In battlegrounds, the first person to kill me is who I would focus on for the rest of the match.  Once I rezzed, I was coming back with a vengeance.  It has occasionally turned out poorly for me (oh who am I kidding, it’s almost always turned out poorly for me).  Like when I was first PvPing and chased someone across WSG just to get revenge on them.  Oh sure, I died when I was ganged up on by 4 Horde, but I killed that rogue first.

Deyndor is similar in having a short fuse, but his is focused at anything that goes against the light.  Like, oh I don’t know, Warlocks.  And the fact that they’re of different factions would just make it that much easier.  And when he focuses on killing something, he doesn’t stop until its good and dead.

So really, I would imagine that a brawl would break out the moment that Deyndor saw Ollyn (yes, Deyndor would start it).  I’m not really sure who would win, assuming they we’re of equal level.  But in any case, the bar might not be there by the end of the night.

That or Ollyn would give Deyndor fashion tips while Deyndor braided Ollyn’s glorious hair.

The big reveal

Khi my dear,

I’ve been watching you these past 3 days, knowing that while you’re flattered by my words, you didn’t know who I was.

Today I tell you that it was I, Deyndor, who has been stalking admiring you from afar.

Make sure the box has plenty of holes my love, I plan on going with you!

Another Giant Blogger Thing

It’s that time of  year again it would seem!  Dristanel over at The Physician’s Log is setting up a fun little event for WoW bloggers to participate in.  It’s the WoW Blogger Secret Admirer Project!

The point of this is to get to know some bloggers that you may not have heard of, as well as getting people to know who you are.  And to build an even more tight-knit community, and who doesn’t want that?

Since I’m really not that great at summarizing either, here it is in her own words:

Each participating blogger would put up a post on their own blog regarding the event and linking to the other bloggers. The purpose of this is two-fold – exposure for the community, and something the secret admirer can respond to. Said admirer would do so under an anonymous handle, adding poetry or other comments, giving one subtle hint about their identity in each, for a total of three comments. The admired could then contact the event coordinator with a guess as to who their admirer is. At the end of the event, folks can make a new post with a final ‘open declaration of blog love’ for their assigned person, and of course links to the other posts if you so desire.

Sounds like fun, no?

If you want to participate, you need to sign up by end of day Thursday, February 11th (zomg that’s tomorrow!).  To sign up, simply leave a comment here, here or tell her on Twitter.

My WoW Year in Review Meme

This is my first Blog Azeroth shared topic.  It sounded like a fun one to do, and like I’ve been saying in my last couple posts I need to post more, so now you get to suffer through my answers.  Aren’t you lucky?

What did you do in the World of Warcraft in 2009 that you’d never done before?

Serious raiding.  I started playing wow in January of 2008, and didn’t get Ollyn to 70 until a couple months before Wrath came out.  When I hit 70, I joined the guild that one of my friends was raiding in.  They were working on Sunwell, but would occasionally go back and do Gruul’s Lair to try and get the Dragonspine Trophy for my friend’s rogue.  They were nice enough as a T6 guild to take little old me (including when I was only 65 since that’s the minimum level) and carry me through the content so I could get some nice gear.  Sure, I pugged Mag’s Lair once and went on a Kara alt run, but that was it for raiding for me.

Once wrath came out and I switched back to working on my warlock, got him to 80 and started raiding Naxx, I got to see what it was like to actually raid and not be carried.  Some people may say how dumbed down some of the wrath content is, but to me, this is my only real experience with raiding, so I found it challenging (sometimes more so than other times) and fun.  Especially our Ulduar 10 progression team.

What was your favorite new place that you visited?

It would have to be Ulduar.  The lore behind it, coupled with the amazing architecture of the zone is just breath taking and beautiful to me.  I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it, but the thing that got me really hooked into WoW was the lore behind it.  Sure, I like the game play and the fact that I have friends that play too, but there is just so much interesting lore behind everything involved in this universe.  Ulduar, being the main place where the Titans were in the world really tied all that together for me.  Plus it just looks awesome.

What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?

A better understanding of my classes, and to actually feel that I know what I’m doing when I play them.  Especially the warlock.  I’ve been playing one for almost 2 years, and I’m pretty sure I’m actually knowledgeable about the class, but I feel that I don’t know what I’m doing half the time.

I would also like to get off my ass and go finish Loremaster.  But I still have so much of it to do. QQ

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I know this seems to contradict my answer to the previous question, but feeling like I actually know Warlocks.  When I was still raiding, I was kind of our defacto warlock class lead since I was first, the only one raiding, then kept getting asked questions about gear/specs.

What was your biggest failure?

Not getting Deyndor to 80 (or at least 70).  Although, having him sitting at 67 has given me a nice chance to practice being prot, so when he does get up there higher I can tank and not make a complete ass of myself (only a partial ass :P).

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Finally getting a character to level cap more than two months before it would increase again.  And then knowing that once I did, I would get to see what this end game raiding all the kids are talking about is like.  And then getting another few really close to level cap as well!  And even though I’m really bad at PvP, I was excited to participate in the Arena Tournament.

What do you wish you’d done less of?

Alts.  Seriously, you have no idea how many alts I have.  In just this year, I have around 19 characters that I play with various levels of frequency.  On a related note I think I’ve switched from caster to melee, as 4 of my 5 highest leveled characters are either DK’s (at level 70) or Paladin’s (67 and 57 respectively).

What was your favorite WoW blog or podcast?

Wow, there are a lot.  My google reader has over 160 different WoW related things in it, so its hard for me to choose.  I guess the one that sticks out the most to me would have to be Righteous Orbs.  Tam and Chas never disappoint in their posts.  My other favorite new one would have to be Snottydin.  Although that may just be because she’s a girl irl.

Tell us a valuable WoW lesson you learned in 2009.

Leveling with someone else, makes leveling 100 times more enjoyable and easier.  That and don’t be afraid to try new things in game.  I’ve always been a (mediocre) DPSer and didn’t until recently try tanking.  And found that I actually love it.  Next I plan on trying healing.  So if you have a good group that doesn’t mind helping you learn, don’t be afraid to try a different roll or ask questions.

Syphilis, Spread the Love

So Syrana decided to continue a meme that was started by Tamarind where they give you a topic, and you post about about it.

So I said to myself:  “Self, you have been way to lazy with updating this blog.  If you don’t start updating in a more timely manner, I’m going to start deleting alts and lifetaping incessantly in front of hunters in battlegrounds.”  So naturally I caved and signed up.  This is the topic I was given:

Alright, seeing as how you are a fellow warlock… If you could capture anyone’s soul into a shard (IRL or ingame..or both!) who would it be and why?

Let me tell you, this one took me quite a while to come up with an answer to.

For an in game soul that I’d like to capture, I think it would be Illidan’s.  I’m sure that doing that would turn it into some awesome off hand item or trinket called “Soul of the Betrayer” or some such thing.  And it could have an awesome on use effect that is essentially the same as Metamorphosis, could even share a cool down with it.  I’d love to be destruction specced, and have my Conflagrate or Chaos Bolt benefit from the increased damage of demon form.  Plus it looks awesome.

Although can you image if a mage were to get his hands on this, use it and then cast Mirror Image?  It would be madness!  So I guess it should be a warlock only thing.  😛

And if it didn’t have anything cool about it and just turned into another soul shard, I suppose I could always sell it to Maiev Shadowsong for a nice amount of gold.

As for someone in real life, well, there are just so many people with so many different reasons for each that its hard to come up with a good entertaining answer.  On a serious note I would probably say either my grandfather who passed away last year or my grandmother who passed away 10 years ago, just because I miss them and would like to have them with me.

Anways, there you have it.  I’d like to thank Syrana for giving me something to post about, even if it took me a couple days to figure out what to say.