Category Archives: Alts

The WoW Ironman Challenge

I’m sure some of you have read the recent posts by Psynister and Vrykerion about the WoW Ironman challenge.  The basic idea is to see how far you can get by leveling in all white/grey gear, no talents/glyphs, and no groups.  For more detailed info, look at either of their posts.  The rules they’ve put forth for it (as ripped from Psyn’s blog) are as follows:

1. Use only white/grey items.
2. No spending talent points. No specialization at level 10. (Regular skill training is fine.)
2. No Primary or Secondary Professions other than First Aid.
3. No means of XP boosting (No Recruit-A-Friend, No Guild, and obviously no Heirlooms)
4. No consumable bonuses (food, potions, elixirs, etc) – Rogue Poisons allowed
5. No enchants.
6. No Groups. (Since clarification was requested: That means no dungeons, no Dungeon Finder, no battlegrounds, no anything that puts you in a group and no grouping up with people to quest or anything.)
7. No Death Knights.
8. No Glyphs

Since I’m constantly rolling alts and looking for fun new ways to play the game, I’ve decided I’ll participate too.  All I need now is an idea on what race/class I should go with.  So please leave a comment telling me what you think I should play!

What do you do when your raid is canceled?

Well, since I suggested this BA Shared Topic, I should probably participate shouldn’t I?  If you’re looking for more responses, they can be found here.

So I was talking with Eda on twitter tonight and she mentioned that she’s had 4 raids in the last 2 weeks get canceled. And that got me wondering, what do people do when their raid is canceled?

I’m sure there will be the mundane like farming stuff or running heroics, but I’m sure there are a lot of people with some really interesting and fun things too. Maybe you invade an enemy capital by yourself. Maybe you go play an alt. Whatever it is, share it!

Now, I don’t raid anymore, but when I did, it was always a bummer to have the raid get canceled.  I mean, you set aside time to go do something, and then you’re left with nothing to do right?  Wrong!

Whenever my raids got canceled, if I didn’t go to that fictional place called the outside world, I mostly leveled alts.  However, I’m not the type to make an alt, and stick with it for a long time.  In the time I was raiding, I had no less than 8 alts.  On my main server that is…

Of course I had Deyndor that I would level.  Or Ollyn, my DK on the same server as Deyndor.  But then I also had my other pally Kanori.  And of course another DK on my main server.  And a rogue.  A hunter.  A priest, a couple druids.  Throw in a dash of shaman and you’ve got an idea of everything that I try and do.

And of course, even though its sporadic, it’s caused me to level up a decent number of toons.  For ones (currently, although only the shaman was added to this list after I stopped raiding) above 60, I have two DKs (79 and 69), two pallies (71 and 70), and a shaman (65).

So yeah, kind of boring, but I level alts, or run heroics.  Or at least, I did.  Now I don’t even really run heroics, just the leveling.  But it’s been a blast, so I’m fine with it.

Anyway, what do you, lovable readers, do when your raid is canceled?

Single Abstract Noun

In which Deyndor joins a guild of…bloggers?

I probably should have made this post last night, but I was tired and didn’t have the energy.  This is actually being written while I’m at work, so the quality of my writing is probably lacking more than usual.  *looks over shoulder for boss*

So yesterday I got home from work and did what I always do, I logged into Twitter (I seem to have become addicted to it).  And notice Miss Medicina talking about a “bloggie guild” as she put it.  I was slightly confused, so I asked her what she was talking about.  Apparently between when I left work and when I got home my google reader finally updated with Tamarind‘s newest post, talking about starting up a guild for bloggers.

However, since he’s in the EU, some of us across the pond can’t join him.  So Miss Medicina started up a US/Oceanic branch!  So come one, come all to beautiful Argent Dawn-US!  Create an alt Alliance side (if you’re US/Oceanic, Horde side for EU) and come join in the fun.

At one point our awesomeness (although Miss Medicina claims it’s because she took off her robe) actually caused the server to crash.  If that doesn’t show how much we rock and that you should join us, I don’t know what does.

This isn’t just for bloggers, this is for people that read blogs too.  If you want to be part of our ever growing community, then create the alt, and if you’re on Argent Dawn-US, just /join singleabstractnoun, and ask any one in the channel for a guild invite, they should all be able to do that.

I look forward to interacting with all of you lovely folks, so stop on by and stay for a while.

P.S. Oh yeah, I rolled a dwarf too.  I feel so short…  But my glorious beard is sexy, see:

Look at that sexy beard

Its been a while

So I haven’t made a blog post in a while.  Part of that is real life (I’m in the process of buying a house, so that is actually taking up some of my time) and part of it is that I feel I have nothing valuable to write.

Then I realized that this is my blog and I can ramble on and on about pointless topics if I wish (and I will dear reader, fear not).

So I’ve kind of slowed down on leveling my DK.  I got him to 77 and bought cold weather flying, and then stopped playing him.  My second pally hit 65 and I stopped playing her, and the shaman got up to 26 or so and then I stopped playing her as well.

I’ve been logging in to the game, but feeling bored with it.  And then today I got an idea based on a post that was over a year old on the Stormrage official forums, I’d like to try doing level 60 and 70 raids at level.

I found the recruitment post for a guild on Stormrage that used to do this, but apparently stopped doing it.  I never did any level 60 raids at level, and one a few level 70’s before wrath hit.  In any case, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.  If anyone has any info on any guilds doing that, leave a comment, I’d like to give it a try.

It would also seem that my shaman was only the beginning.  I’m now wanting to roll a restro druid to try my hand at healing with one of those.  The problem is, I’ll start leveling one, get it to the mid twenties at most, then stop playing, leaving me with yet another alt that I don’t want to delete, yet don’t feel like playing.

Maybe I’m finally starting to get my fill of this game, but that isn’t what this really feels like.  I think its more that I’m bored not raiding on Ollyn, but I also know that if I level up something else, most likely won’t end out raiding or really doing much on that toon either.  Perhaps if I could find some purpose to level something, I wouldn’t feel so apathetic.

So I imagine that at some point today, I’ll roll a druid with the intention of going resto.  And then barely playing it by next weekend.  I seriously considered transferring Ollyn to Azgalor and applying to Amber’s guild as a way to get back into raiding (and to not be the only one online in the guild, it gets lonely), but I’d feel too much like I was abandoning the 3 people that I transferred to Stormrage with.

So that is what has been going on with me lately.  Not a whole lot in game, and not entirely sure where I should go from here.  I think if I could find a goal and actually see a purpose for leveling another alt, I would feel more engaged again.

So to bring my rambling to an end, what do you all think I should do?  Get back into current raid content? Try out the old content that I missed? Or just bounce from alt to alt over various servers doing something different each night (which I actually kind of hate since I feel like I don’t make any real progress on anything that way)?